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http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index3.php UTF-8 Sat, 29 Mar 2025 06:19:44 +0700 Sat, 29 Mar 2025 06:19:44 +0700 SoftCab.com <![CDATA[ICID e-Bulletin Your Weekly News Wrap 9 August 2021]]> http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index3.php?number=464 INVITATION TO JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP OF ICID
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management. Click the link for more information:click here


  • New global initiative: Transforming gender norms in land and resource rights
    9 August 2021
    A new research project between a consortium of CGIAR Centres and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will generate evidence on the potential contribution of different kinds of gender. click here
  • Japan and Tanzania: Half a century of collaboration for agriculture development
    7 August 2021
    In the year, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) started implementing a series of cooperation projects with the formulation of the “Kilimanjaro Region Integrated Development Plan”. click here
  • Agriculture is killing way more bees than we realized, huge study reveals
    6 August 2021
    Some 75 percent of the world's crops producing fruits and seeds for human consumption rely on pollinators, including cocoa, coffee, almonds, and cherries, according to the UN. click here

  • Climate Change

  • Climate change: Low-income countries 'can't keep up' with impacts
    9 August 2021
    Organizations representing 90 countries say that their plans to prevent damage have already been outpaced by climate-induced disasters, which are intensifying and happening more regularly. click here
  • Crucial ocean circulation is showing signs of instability
    9 August 2021
    Scientists say a critical ocean circulation in the North Atlantic is showing signs of instability, which could have major implications for Earth's climate. click here
  • How do nuclear techniques contribute to measuring and adapting to climate change?
    6 August 2021
    Countries all over the world are increasingly recognizing the value of using nuclear techniques to combat various challenges faced by climate change. click here

  • Drought

  • Drought hits South America river, threatening the vast ecosystem
    6 August 2021
    The Paraná River, one of the main commercial waterways in South America, has reached its lowest level in nearly 80 years due to a prolonged drought in Brazil. click here
  • 'Mega-Drought' in the Andes from climate change leaves some peaks snowless
    6 August 2021
    The Andes Mountain range, which draws skiers to South America, is facing historically low snowfall this year during a decade-long drought that scientists link to global warming. click here
  • Afghanistan: Over 80% of the country is in a serious drought
    4 August 2021
    Afghanistan’s wheat crop will be reduced by nearly 2 million tonnes and more than 3 million livestock are at risk of death, according to the government. click here

  • Floods

  • Floods: Research shows millions more at risk of flooding
    5 August 2021
    A new study shows that the percentage of the global population at risk from flooding has risen by almost a quarter since the year 2000. click here
  • The new global map shows populations are growing faster in flood-prone areas
    4 August 2021
    In a new study published today in Nature, researchers used satellite images to map over 900 flood events that occurred between 2000 and 2018, affecting between 255 million and 290 million people. click here
  • State-of-the-art dams, cascade reservoirs turn floods from a beast into resource
    4 August 2021
    Data shows that from 2003 to 2020, the Three Gorges Reservoir has been filled 61 times to prevent floods, among which three times were to contain mega-floods of more than 70,000 cubic meters per second. https://icid.bmetrack.com/c/l?u=CA479B7&e=12D9DDB&c=5E6CA&t=0&l=31D320B8&email=g29MKtvGIsm9L%2FifqXxA6HnlkRjLUbPe&seq=1 click here

  • Food Security

  • A world of hurt: 2021 climate disasters raise alarm over food security
    4 August 2021
    Human-driven climate change is fueling weather extremes from record drought to massive floods that are hammering key agricultural regions around the world. click here
  • Five UN agencies chart progress towards ending hunger, malnutrition by 2030
    4 August 2021
    The report assesses chronic food security around the world in 2020 in the context of the COVID-19. It calls for a shift to “healthy diets that include sustainability considerations” to lower health and climate change costs by 2030. click here
  • Reforestation hopes threaten global food security, Oxfam warns
    3 August 2021
    At least 1.6bn hectares an area five times the size of India, equivalent to all the land now farmed on the planet would be required to reach net-zero for the planet by 2050 via tree planting alone. click here

  • Irrigation

  • Addressing the climate change in the Mekong-Ganges region
    9 August 2021
    According to research conducted by the Mekong River Commission (MRC), the next 20 to 50 years will see a wide number of changes marked by an increase in temperatures across the Lower Mekong Basin. click here
  • Precision irrigation is fundamental for stabilizing global food security
    6 August 2021
    In fact, 70% of the world's freshwater goes to the agriculture of which an estimated 76% is used in flood or furrow irrigation. click here
  • Cotton farmers can save water and reap profits through drip irrigation
    4 August 2021
    It has been established that when a farmer opts for micro-irrigation, there is a reduction in pest and crop diseases. click here

  • Water Resources Management

  • Managing water, the Denmark way
    5 August 2021
    Chennai is the first city in India to re-use more than 20 percent of its treated wastewater. click here
  • Egypt announces four-point plan to mitigate possible water crisis
    4 August 2021
    Egypt's water resources are estimated at about 60 billion cubic meters annually, most of which come from the Nile River. click here
  • Future global urban water scarcity and potential solutions
    3 August 2021
    Population growth, urbanization, and socioeconomic development are expected to increase urban industrial and domestic water demand by 50–80% over the next three decades. click here

    • Publications

    • FAO-UN WASAG STRATEGY for 2021-2024: The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture Turning water scarcity into opportunities for sustainable agriculture, food security & nutrition click here

    • Irrigation & Drainage in Republic of Uzbekistan History & Modern State: Towards the 70th anniversary of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) click here

    • Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change
      Part of the Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering book series (STICEE)
      This volume arises from the work of Roorkee Water Conclave 2020 and focuses on the hydrological aspects of climate change, hydrological extremes, and adaptation for water resources management. The research papers in this book are centered on themes such as climate change and water security, water resources management, and adaptation to climate change.

    • Contemporary Environmental Problems In Nepal
      This book will utilize many empirical examples of environmental cases spanning the diverse landscapes of Nepal to demonstrate how useful information GIS tools can be ineffective decision making and record keeping in such a problematic South Asian ‘developing country’, ISBN 978-3-030-50168-6

    • Linking food, nutrition and the environment in Indonesia: A perspective on sustainable food systems
      This brief reviews the interlinkages between food, nutrition, and the environment in Indonesia, and the role of national food policies in addressing the challenges in these sectors. While Indonesia is a mega-biodiverse country, nationally supported agricultural production programs tend to focus on a few high-value commodities, contributing to low dietary diversity.

    • Guidance – Water Resources Planning Guideline (24 February 2021)
      This guideline is relevant to water companies in England and Wales. It is also relevant to those producing regional plans. click here
    Tue, 10 Aug 2021 09:15:19 +0700 http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index3.php?number=464#comment