Master ICID 2015 Final
It is widely know that the world never stop revolving and evolving. Yet it was not until The last 4-5 decades that world has been changed drastically. Increase in the world population Causes more demand on food consumption, thus food security has become important issue for every country. Moreover, human needs become more complicated because of higher expectation due to modern technology. As a result, economic systems of all countries have been forced to strive to satisfy human in the most effective fashion. In the same way, increase in world population, more complicated human need, and global industrialization have accelerated climate change, which directly effects on water-related issues, not only the excess of water and drought but also the water quality as well.
ICID has missions to stimulate and promote the development and application of the arts, sciences and techniques of engineering, agriculture, economics, ecological and social sciences in managing water and land resources for irrigation, drainage, flood management, for achieving sustainable agriculture water management.
In order to address issues above and fulfilling ICID ‘s mission and objectives of contributing to food security, ICID is bringing together representative of all stakeholders involved in irrigation of all types and at all scales under the umbrella of World Irrigation Forum (WIF). It will include policy makers, experts, research institutions, nongovernmental organizations, private sector companies and farmers, among other. The 2nd WIF is being organized in cooperation with the host Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (THAICID) and in other partnerships. The 67th International Executive Council meeting and its Pre-Council Meeting of Workbodies will held with 2nd WIF. |
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