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ICID News Update APRIL 2023
  •   Sunday, 2023-April-23
Some of the issue's highlights are:-
  1. From Secretary-General's Desk

  2. ICID organized a webinar on ‘Tsunami / Tidal Wave Protection in Japanese Case’, 19 April 2023

  3. Secretary General Er. AB Pandya Represented ICID in a Workshop

  4. New Territorial Water Security Assessment Method: Navoiy, Samarkand and Khorezm provinces of Uzbekistan

  5. 25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, 1–8 November 2023, Vizag (Visakhapatnam), Andhra Pradesh, India

  6. Call for Papers Invited for International Workshops scheduled during the 25th ICID Congress and 74th IEC Meeting, 1–8 November 2023, Vizag (Visakhapatnam), Andhra Pradesh, India

  7. Announcements for the World Heritage Irrigation Structures (WHIS) and WatSave 2023

  8. ICID Annual Report 2022-23: Call for Updated Information from National Committees (NCs) and Direct Members (DMs)

  9. News from National Committees, ICID Forthcoming Events and Partner Organization Events

  10. Task Force for Updating and Maintenance of Multilingual Technical Dictionary (TF-MTD)

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