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ICID e-Bulletin Your Weekly News Wrap 23 August 2021
  •   Tuesday, 2021-August-24
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management. Click the link for more information:

ICID Forthcoming Events
5th African Regional Conference (ARC) and 72nd International Executive Council (IEC) - Theme “SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION FOR IMPROVED RESILIENCE OF AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA” to be held b/w 23-30 November 2021, Marrakech, Morocco.


    Land of opportunity: More sustainable Australian farming would protect our lucrative exports
    23 August 2021
    Agriculture accounts for about 13% of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The main source of emissions is methane from cattle and sheep. click here
    Canadian farmers are already familiar with many climate solutions
    23 August 2021
    The most potential for mitigating emissions from agriculture can be found in soil carbon sequestration (or carbon sinks). The IPCC estimates about 89 percent of mitigation potential can be achieved through this. click here
    Toxic blaze: the true cost of crop burning
    19 August 2021
    Some farmers believe burning is the most effective and cost-efficient way to clear land and fertilize the soil. click here

    Climate change

    Scientists turn to risky plan B as the world fails on climate change
    22 August 2021
    Some fear a future world addicted to an unnatural method of regulating the climate and the potential of terrible unintended consequences. click here
    One billion children at ‘extremely high risk’ of the impacts of the climate crisis - UNICEF
    20 August 2021
    Children in the Central African Republic, Chad, and Nigeria are among the most at risk of climate change, according to UNICEF’s first child-focused climate risk index. click here
    CFC ban bought us time to fight climate change, say scientists
    17 August 2021
    A worldwide ban on ozone-depleting chemicals in 1987 has averted a climate catastrophe today, scientists say. click here


    Madagascar population facing a severe humanitarian crisis due to drought: UN resident coordinator
    22 August 2021
    Thousands of people are suffering from one of the worst droughts in the south of Madagascar in 40 years. click here
    Record temperatures, fire clouds, and drought ravage Earth in scorching-hot 2021+
    19 August 2021
    NOAA (the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), three climate scientists dove into the most up-to-date numbers and predictions surrounding Earth's changing climate. click here
    Colorado River: First-ever shortage declared amid record US drought
    17 August 2021
    For the first time ever, the US government has declared a water shortage on the Colorado River, a life source to millions in the southwest. click here


    Greece faces flood risk in wake of destructive wildfires
    22 August 2021
    Greece faces imminent flood risk in the areas afflicted by devastating wildfires this summer, a geomorphology expert has warned, calling on residents to improve awareness and their ability to deal with natural disasters. click here
    The lesson from German floods: prepare for the unimaginable
    20 August 2021
    A month after fatal floods swept through western Germany, survivors are still in shock and experts warn such disasters are becoming more common. click here
    Turkey floods: Death toll near the Black Sea rises to at least 70
    17 August 2021
    A huge search-and-rescue operation is underway in northern Turkey after flash floods along the Black Sea coast killed at least 70 people. click here

    Food security

    Growing beyond food security
    22 August 2021
    The largest city in the Philippines, Quezon City was hit particularly hard. During a high-level discussion on policies and strategies for Covid-19 recovery organized by the United Nations (UN) Philippines. click here
    What is a healthy diet and how can it help end world hunger?
    19 August 2021
    Local food systems can ensure healthy diets everywhere by growing nutritious and diverse crops. click here
    Food security is a right, not a privilege
    17 August 2021
    Food insecurity and poverty work like a positive feedback loop, we must decide to tackle both to increase the prevalence of well-fed individuals and communities around the world. click here


    The Middle East is running out of water, and parts of it are becoming uninhabitable
    22 August 2021
    In Iran, Urmia has shrunk largely because so many people have exploited it, and some of the dams built in its basin mainly for irrigation have reduced the flow of water into the lake. click here
    India’s looming water crisis and urgent measures to address it
    20 August 2021
    Water tables have fallen drastically and we need paradigmatic changes in agricultural practices for resource conservation. click here
    The global water crisis will intensify with climate breakdown, says the report
    17 August 2021
    Changes to the planet’s natural rainfall patterns are one of the biggest impacts of the climate crisis, and the landmark IPCC report. click here

    Water resource management

    The crucial role of equines highlighted at World Water Week
    19 August 2021
    The international event to tackle global water challenges starts on Monday, August 23. Organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). click here
    As populations grow, how will thirsty cities survive their drier futures?
    18 August 2021
    Over the coming decades, climate change will bring unexpected changes in the temporal and spatial distribution of water resources. click here
    How water shortages are brewing wars
    17 August 2021
    Unprecedented levels of dam building and water extraction by nations on great rivers are leaving countries further downstream increasingly thirsty, increasing the risk of conflicts. click here

    Upcoming EVENTS

    39th IAHR World Congress, 19 - 24 June 2022 - From Snow to Sea, Granda, Spain

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