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Food Hero: Cultivating women farmers in Georgia
10 October 2021
A farmer in the central European country, Georgia, has been sharing her lifetime of knowledge with other women farmers in the region. click here

African agriculture without African farmers
9 October 2021
Despite the apparent need for more technology, smallholders find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle, sacrificing tomorrow’s soil for today’s planting. click here

Agriculture: Bahá’í International Community (BIC) underscores the role of farmers in policymaking
5 October 2021
Discussions at the gathering also addressed the harmful impact of certain major challenges of environmental degradation, such as soil erosion, large-scale deforestation, and water shortages. click here

NASA is ready to take on the world with its new climate action plan
10 October 2021
NASA scientists have been using tools like Earth-monitoring satellites to study Earth's climate and collect valuable data for many years. This has included the study of ice loss, ozone levels, sea-level rise, temperature, etc. click here

With a warming climate, the coastal fog around the world is declining
10 October 2021
Fog is essential for plants and animals, agriculture, and human health, not only in California but in coastal zones around the world. click here

Climate change is devastating coral reefs worldwide, major reports say
5 October 2021
The world lost about 14% of its coral reefs in the decade after 2009, mainly because of climate change, according to a sweeping international report on the state of the world’s corals. click here

Southern coastal Queensland misses out on rain again as severe drought persists
9 October 2021
Southern coastal Queensland remains in severe drought after much of the east coast has recovered. click here

Record-breaking 2011 Texas drought worse than previously thought
7 October 2021
A new study from The University of Texas at Austin, using improved methods for tracking drought severity and impact through the soil, found that the 2011 Texas drought had affected more of the state more severely. click here

Scientists sound the alarm over drought in East Africa
5 October 2021
The next five years will very likely bring a strong El Niño, contributing to another horrendous drought in northern Ethiopia, and another drought disaster in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique, Madagascar, and South Africa. click here

South Sudan flooding affects more than 600,000: UN
8 October 2021
Four out of five of South Sudan's 11 million people live in 'absolute poverty', according to the World Bank in 2018. click here

Breakwater innovation to manage river flooding
8 October 2021
The mass production of a structure used at breakwaters offers the possibility of being able to build a series of dams along tributaries of rivers at a lower cost. click here

Corps of Engineers considers nature-based flood control
5 October 2021
In Missouri, the Corps recently completed a levee setback along the Missouri River after the existing levee was overtopped and breached by flooding in 2019. click here

Hunger crisis: how innovation on the ground can address food insecurity
11 October 2021
Europe is among the top overall performers globally in terms of food security, performing well in the categories of affordability, quality, and safety, with natural resources and resilience. click here

Use agro-tech for food security, region told
7 October 2021
As a Caribbean Community, by and large, we import more than 60 percent of the food we consume, with some countries importing more than 80 percent of the food they consume,” it was revealed. click here

UN looks to address ‘unprecedented catastrophic levels of food insecurity
4 October 2021
The world currently faces unprecedented catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity, according to UN agencies, and around $6.6 billion is needed urgently, to support 41 million in danger of sliding into famine. click here

Irrigation’s role in agriculture cannot be overstated
9 October 2021
Irrigation engineers are not alone in looking at ways to improve system efficiency and increase the value of water. It also includes the management of crop varieties and the management of weeds. click here

Ganga river basin lost over 200 cubic km of groundwater between 2002-2016: Study
9 October 2021
Ganga basin has lost about 225 km cube of groundwater during 2002-2016, which is about 20 times the storage of the largest reservoir in India, new research has found. click here

Can agriculture use less water?
8 October 2021
Water use for municipal, industrial, and agricultural purposes has resulted in lowering the groundwater table, resulting in the drying of springs, creeks, and rivers, causing massive loss of riparian habitat all over the state. click here

Outline to protect Yellow River Basin
11 October 2021
It includes measures to support environmental protection, water conservation, and urban planning along China's second-longest river, whose agricultural production areas account for about a third of the country's grain and meat output. click here

Adapting to receding glaciers in the Tropical Andes
8 October 2021
Indonesia, and South America and providing much-needed water to more than one-sixth of the world’s population. click here

Water, water, everywhere: U.N. report warns of global water crisis amid climate change
7 October 2021
The number of people with inadequate access to water is expected to rise to more than 5 billion by 2050, up from 3.6 billion in 2018, the report said. click here ]]>
Mon, 11 Oct 2021 15:39:36 +0700 http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index2.php?number=476#comment