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McGill's Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is pleased to host Mitigating Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and Increasing Carbon Sequestration in a Circular Economy- An International Symposium held under the auspices of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program II. click here

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management. Click the link for more information: click here

A New Alliance of ICID with Arab Water Council (AWB)
Arab Water Council, announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the International Committee for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), on the sidelines of the Fifth Arab Water Forum, 21 - 23 September 2021, click here

5th African Regional Conference (ARC) and 72nd International Executive Council (IEC) - Theme “SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION FOR IMPROVED RESILIENCE OF AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA” to be held from 23-30 November 2021, Marrakech, Morocco. click here

73rd IEC Meeting & 24th ICID Congress combined with the Irrigation Australia National Conference & Exhibition to be held in Adelaide, Australia from 3 October to 10 October 2022. click here

Announcement of TeaTime Talk Presented by Irrigation Water Forum (IWF/ICID.UK) On "Introduction to Concrete Canvas and GCCMs – A New Lining Technology for Reducing Water Seepage Losses in Canal Infrastructure Around the World" Please register at click here

    Science can rescue farming. Relaxing gene-editing rules should be the start
    19 September 2021
    The rice blast fungus, my main obsession, destroys enough rice each year to feed 60 million people. click here

    Digital data drives better soil management
    18 September 2021
    In Austria, for example, there is a wealth of research on conservation agriculture, a farming system that causes minimal disturbance to the soil (i.e., no ploughing), and boosts the natural biological processes below ground.click here

    Stepping up phosphorus research
    18 September 2021
    Long-term field experiments provide tremendous insights into the dynamics of phosphorus fertilization of soils and provide a guideline on the actions we can take in the future. click here

    Study: Climate change could impact algae in global ocean
    19 September 2021
    Accountable for at least 20 percent of annual global carbon fixation, temperature changes could have a significant impact upon the algae that our marine systems, fisheries, and ocean biodiversity depend upon. click here

    Major UN report concludes world is off-track to fight climate change
    16 September 2021
    The United in Science 2021 report shows climate change drivers and impacts are accelerating and not enough is being done to meet emissions targets. click here

    Climate change can push over 200 mn people out of their homes by 2050: World Bank Report
    13 September 2021
    The World Bank's report shows how the impacts of slow-onset climate change such as water scarcity, decreasing crop productivity, and rising sea levels could lead to millions of 'climate migrants’ by 2050. click here

    Crops affected by western droughts
    20 September 2021
    The frequency and severity of droughts in recent years have scientists concerned about the prospect of the West, where reservoirs and water systems were constructed based on a climate that no longer exists, entering into a state of permanent drought. click here

    Drought could hurt meat production in North America for years
    19 September 2021
    They are having trouble finding enough food for their animals because of very dry conditions known as drought. click here

    Drought puts 2.1 million Kenyans at risk of starvation
    15 September 2021
    Production of maize, Kenya’s staple food, is projected to decline by 50% in the affected regions due to low acreage under cultivation, while some areas will see total crop failure. click here

    Devastating floods spur new debate on how best to warn people
    16 September 2021
    Weather and climate researchers, with expertise in risk communication, are exploring ways to raise public awareness for the direst situations, drawing from lessons of the past. click here

    Research suggests flood-tolerant crops are a better choice for farmed potholes in modeled weather scenarios
    16 September 2021
    Farmers who want to increase the productivity and economic performance of their farmed potholes should consider more flood-tolerant crops, such as miscanthus. click here

    Bureau of Meteorology warns of floods with the double likelihood of La Niña predicted for Australia
    15 September 2021
    Climatologist says northern and eastern states face an increased risk of severe weather events, with a 70% chance of higher rainfall. click here

    The time to reinstate food systems in the pantheon of economic policies is now
    19 September 2021
    Greening food production and managing food demand to ensure it is safe and nutritious are crucial for meeting the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. click here 5 Insights about the hunger crisis and how we can end it
    18 September 2021
    Investing in the global food system and smallholder farmers is a direct way to alleviate poverty, empower communities, and set the foundation for broad economic growth, according to the report. click here

    Harness the world’s aquatic ‘blue’ food systems to help end hunger
    15 September 2021
    One of these goals is to end hunger by 2030. Nearly 700 million people (almost 9% of the world’s population) go hungry; of those, 250 million are potentially on the brink of starvation, according to the World Food Programme. click here

    Optimizing liquid fertilizers: New tool aids in mixing for irrigation systems
    20 September 2021
    Farmers using the Clemson University Center Pivot and Drip Fertigation web-based calculators now have another tool to help them optimize liquid fertilizers used to feed crops through irrigation systems. click here

    Drought haves, have-nots test how to share water in the West
    16 September 2021
    The idea is part of a discussion about letting the free market play a bigger role in water conservation as human-caused climate change fuels drought and farmers run out of options. click here

    Thailand: Government urged to tackle northeast's water supply issue
    14 September 2021
    The government is being urged to tackle water supplies to the farm sector in the northeastern region if it wants to go ahead with bio-economy development in the planned Northeastern Economic Corridor (NEEC)

    Decentralized treatment solutions to water challenges
    19 September 2021
    To meet the growing needs of the MENA region’s population with regards to water treatment and recycling, and food security, there are a number of issues that need to be immediately addressed. click here

    Egypt calls for securing water resources in Africa
    19 September 2021
    Egypt has taken many steps to prepare a framework for a green recovery strategy. click here

    Hydro project awarded $5M to model national water resources using machine learning
    16 September 2021
    Resource and landscape managers, policymakers and the public will be able to use these models to predict streamflow, soil moisture, and groundwater on seasonal to annual time scales. click here
Mon, 20 Sep 2021 17:47:00 +0700 http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index.php?number=472#comment