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http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index.php UTF-8 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 23:26:04 +0700 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 23:26:04 +0700 SoftCab.com <![CDATA[Call for papers_24th ICID Congress, 03-10 October 2022, Adelaide, Australia]]> http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index.php?number=471

Call for Papers
    24th International National Congress on Irrigation and Drainage
    03-10 October 2022, Adelaide, Australia

    The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) was established on 24 June 1950 at New Delhi, India. ICID is a leading scientific, technical, and professional international not-for-profit network of experts from the fields of irrigation, drainage, and flood management working together with the mission ‘Sustainable agriculture water management’.

    ICID is a knowledge sharing platform dedicated to issues related to entire spectrum of agricultural water management practices ranging from rain-fed agriculture to supplemental irrigation, land drainage, deficit irrigation to full irrigation, etc. In addition, drainage of agricultural lands forms the core theme of our activities. Floods and drought; the two extremes of increasingly variable climate as a result of potential climate change, also form the focus of activities

    click here

    CONGRESS THEME: Innovation and Research in Agricultural Water Management to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals


    QUESTION 62: What role can information and communication technology play in travelling the last mile (i.e. the greater adoption of research outputs)?

    QUESTION 63: What role is played by multi-disciplinary dialogue to achieve sustainable development goals?

    THEME: Developing the future tools for managing uncertainty in irrigation water supply



    24rd ICID Congress Secretariat:
    Mr. Momir Vranes
    Chair, Irrigation Australia’s Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID)

    Mr. Bryan Ward, Chief Executive Officer
    Irrigation Australia Limited

    Ms. Christine Delphine, Business Administration Manager
    Irrigation Australia Limited

    CONTACT: Irrigation Australia Ltd Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee onIrrigation and Drainage (IACID) 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170,

    Email : icid2022@irrigation.org.au, Fax : (07) 3517 4010, Tel: (07) 3517 4000, (07) 3517 4002 Mob: 0417 304 347

    Website: https://www.icid2022.com.au/icid-home/

Mon, 20 Sep 2021 17:25:02 +0700 http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index.php?number=471#comment