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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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ICID News 2021 - Third Quarter
  •   Wednesday, 2021-November-17

    This issue includes –

    1) President's Message

    2) 5th African Regional Conference and 72nd International Executive Council Meeting, 23-30 November 2021, Marrakech, Morocco: This article gives a brief introduction to the forthcoming 5th African Regional Conference (ARC) being organized in Morocco. The African Regional Conference (ARC) series started in April 2004 in Cairo, Egypt addressing agricultural drainage. Because of global restrictions posed due to COVID-19, the 5th conference in the series will be organized on a hybrid model (physical and online participation) by the Moroccan National Committee of ICID (ANAFIDE) from November 23 to 26, 2021 in Marrakech, Morocco with the support of the Directorate of Irrigation and Agricultural Land Planning.

    3) The Emphasis on Agricultural Water Management in the IPCC Climate Report 2021 and the Role of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage: This article reflects on the IPCC's Climate report, its future implications and the efforts of the ICID's working group on climate (WG-Climate) to help mitigate the impacts of climate change and adapt to them.

    4) Remote Sensing Based Irrigation Intelligence With Manna Software: This article describes the Manna Irrigation Software which helps in decision-making support system for farm management.

    5) ICID Initiative for A Global Inventory of Irrigation and Drainage Projects: This article describes the necessity for having a global view of projects devoted to irrigation and drainage for understanding development and approaches used worldwide.

    6) ICID Forthcoming Events

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    Manual on Planning of Structural Approaches to Flood Management (ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

    Manual on Non-Structural Approaches to Flood Management ¦ (ไม่ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

    INWEPF คณะอนุกรรมการด้านน้ำและระบบนิเวศของนาข้าว
    International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields

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