Recognized World Heritage Irrigation Structures 2019
Hetao Irrigation System, China
Qianjinbei Irrigation System, China
Abbas Abad Complex, Iran
Baladeh Qanat and Water System, Iran
Kurit Dam, Iran
Qanat of Qasem Abad, Iran
FazlAli Khan Qanat, Iran
Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System, Iran
Berra Irrigation Plant, Italy
Migliaro Water Diversion Gate, Italy
Panperduto Dam, Italy
Jukkoku-bori Irrigation System, Japan
Minuma-Dai Irrigation System, Japan
Kurayasu and Hyakken Rivers Irrigation and Drainage System, Japan
Kikuchi Irrigation Systems, Japan
Terusan Wan Mat Saman (Canal), Malaysia
Minneriya Reservoir, Sri Lanka
Alamo Irrigation System, United States of America
Theodore Roosevelt Dam, United States of America
WatSave Award Winners - 2019
James Winter and Tony Quigley (Australia - Management Category) for Trangie-Nevertire Renewal: An Irrigation Infrastructure Modernisation Success Story
Fuqiang Tian (China - Technology Category) for Mulched drip irrigation (MDI), a recently developed surface drip irrigation method combining film coating for both saving water and labor, and increasing crop yields
Mohammad Bijankhan, Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh, Hadi Ramezani Etedali, Fatemeh Tayebi and Narges Mehri (Iran - Young Professionals Category) for Applications of constant flow rate control valve in water-saving
Karan Jeet Singh Chatha (India - Farmer Category) for Water Conservation by use of Sprinkler and Drip Technologies in Community-based Paddy Cultivation
Agenda for the Farmers Round Table Meeting on Strengthening Farmers Groups in Competitive Environment for Global Food Security (03 September 2019, 09.00-11.00 hrs)
What institutional strengthening and capacity development is required for water user associations (WUAs) to play significant roles in sustainable water management?
What cultivation technology can be adopted by smallholders’ farmers to increase agriculture productivity in a sustainable way?
What information technology can be utilized to support farmers’ financial service and commodities marketing?
What young farmer can contribute to optimize technology innovation in the farmer's institutional framework?
How to promote better income for the farmers through better commodities choice (high-value crops)?
How to make farmers group optimally beneficial to the smallholders’ farmers?
How to improve farmers group’s role in policy formulation on sustainable agriculture and water management?