Bloly v1.3 by SoftCab Inc ICID e-Bulletin Your Weekly News Wrap 16 January 2023 Tuesday, 2023-January-17 ![]()
10th International Micro Irrigation Conference, 25 - 27 January 2023 in Dakhla, Morocco. Theme: Micro Irrigation in the Era of Technology, Innovation, and Digital Transformation. Website: 25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage & 74th IEC Meeting with Theme:- Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture, will be held during 1 - 8 November 2023, Visakhapatnam (Vizag), Andhra Pradesh, India. 26th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, 01 - 06 October, 2026 - Marseille, France. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Rainwater Harvesting Webinar Series on "Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)". For more information please click the link: International Conference on Water Management & Climate Change, organized by Water Resources Department, Government of Karnataka; Jan 24 - 25, 2023. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Call for interest for Consultants - Water, Rural Infrastructure and Energy (WRI/E), PMI - Rome INVITATION TO JOIN ICID MEMBERSHIP International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management. Click the link for more information: Agriculture Countdown to Davos 2023: 120 countries consider agritech most strategically important in next decade 12 January 2023 The documents, released January 12, 2023, are based on more than 12,000 responses to an Executive Opinion Survey conducted by the World Economic Forum in more than 120 economies. click here 5 benefits of regenerative agriculture – and 5 ways to scale it 11 January 2023 Regenerative agriculture is the way forward to decarbonise the food system and make farming resilient to climate here Climate Change NASA says 2022 fifth warmest year on record, warming trend continues 12 January 2023 The Arctic region continues to experience the strongest warming trends – close to four times the global average – according to GISS research presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, as well as a separate study. click here The UN calls for massive financial support for Pakistan - and other climate change stories you need to read this week 9 January 2023 According to a new study, up to half of the world’s glaciers could disappear by the end of the century even if the most ambitious climate targets are met, CNN reports. click here Ozone layer recovery is on track, helping avoid global warming by 0.5°C 9 January 2023 The ozone layer is on track to recover within four decades, with the global phaseout of ozone-depleting chemicals already benefitting efforts to mitigate climate change. click here Drought Heat and drought have ‘significant influence’ on food security and agricultural production, new review argues 12 January 2023 Heat and drought are the utmost limiting abiotic factors which pose a major threat to food security and agricultural production. click here Extreme heat and drought to impact 90% of world population, says Oxford study 11 January 2023 According to an Oxford study, an estimated 90 per cent of the world's population will be affected by compounded extreme heat and drought conditions. click here 'Dangerous' Tunisian droughts threaten food security 11 January 2023 As climate change has accelerated, bringing blistering heat across the Mediterranean region in recent summers, winter rains have repeatedly diminished in North Africa, causing problems for agriculture from Morocco to Tunisia. click here Floods California’s homeless battle floods and storms 14 January 2023 Few are feeling the rage of California's unrelenting storms as much as the state's 170,000 homeless people. click here Joshimath: The trauma of living in India's sinking Himalayan town 10 January 2023 Joshimath itself was born in precarious geological circumstances. The town, located on the middle slope of a hill, was built on the debris of a landslide triggered by an earthquake more than a century ago, and is located in a tremor-prone zone. click here Food Serurity Urgent action needed as acute malnutrition threatens the lives of millions of vulnerable children 12 January 2023 United Nations agencies are calling for urgent action to protect the most vulnerable children in the 15 countries hardest hit by an unprecedented food and nutrition crisis. click here How Africa can help feed the world. What's needed for true food security 11 January 2023 By 2050 Africa’s population is expected to nearly double. At the same time, the continent’s fragile biomes are disproportionately impacted by climate change. click here Why agricultural subsidies must be reformed to enable a regenerative food system 10 January 2023 The allocation of agricultural subsidies does not currently incentivise nature-positive practices like regenerative agriculture. Therefore, it contributes to practices that lead to the destruction of ecosystems and species extinction. click here Irrigation New report shows alarming changes in the entire global water cycle 11 January 2023 In 2022, a third La Niña year brought much rain to Australia and Southeast Asia and dry conditions to the other side of the Pacific. click here From protective coatings to stop water evaporating to farmer-driven eco-movements 10 January 2023 Record temperatures have led to the worst drought in Europe in 500 years, while 36 million people face food insecurity in the Horn of Africa due to crop failure. click here Water Resources Management Earth dam keeps community alive despite severe, lengthy drought 14 January 2023 According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), over two billion people live in water-stressed countries, which is expected to be exacerbated in some regions as result of climate change and population growth. click here The world’s top ten risks are all linked to water 12 January 2023 This year the Cost-of-Living Crisis is deemed to have the most severe impact in the coming two years, whereas Failure to Mitigate Climate Change is ranked as the worst threat for the ten-year period. click here Trapped sediment in dams 'endangers' water supplies: UN 11 January 2023 Thousands of the world's large dams are so clogged with sediment that they risk losing more than a quarter of their storage capacity by 2050, UN researchers said Wednesday, warning of the threat to water security. click here Upcoming Events XVIII World Water Congress on Theme "Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature", hosted by International Water Resources Associations (IWRA) and Ministry of the Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, at Beijing, China, 11 - 15 September, 2023. click here UN 2023 Water Conference - Yet, today, 40 per cent of the world’s people are affected by water scarcity; 80 per cent of wastewater is discharged untreated into the environment, and more than 90 per cent of disasters are water-related. click here Preparatory meeting for the United Nations Conference Preparatory meeting for the United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action "Water for Sustainable Development", 2018–2028." click here 40th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), Vienna-Austria, 21 - 25th August 2023, Theme - Rivers Connecting Mountains & Coasts click here Publications State of the world's drinking water: This report, presents the data on the links between water, health and development and the status of drinking water, with actionable recommendations to accelerate access to safe drinking water. click here The United Nations World Water Development Report 2022: Groundwater Making the invisible visible click here Europe’s groundwater — a key resource under pressure ‘Groundwater: making the invisible visible is the World Water Day theme for 22 March 2022. In recognition of this, this briefing provides an overview of the state of groundwater in the EU. Groundwater stores almost one-third of total global freshwater resources and, in the EU, supplies 65% of drinking water and 25% of water for agricultural irrigation. click here FAO Publication: Sustainable management of freshwater resources for food security and nutrition in Small Island the Developing States click here FAO-UN WASAG STRATEGY for 2021-2024: The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture Turning water scarcity into opportunities for sustainable agriculture, food security & nutrition click here Irrigation & Drainage in Republic of Uzbekistan History & Modern State: Towards the 70th anniversary of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) click here <<< Previous page | Next page >>>
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