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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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PRD to publicize World Irrigation Forum
  •   Wednesday, 2016-January-13

BANGKOK, 7 January 2015 (NNT) – The director-general of the Government Public Relations Department (PRD) has called a meeting with different working groups to discuss plans to publicize two international events scheduled for late this year.

The meeting was aimed at formulating public relations plans for different media outlets in preparation for the 2nd World Irrigation Forum and the 67th International Executive Council Meeting (IEC). PRD Director-General Apinan Juntarungsri disclosed that Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had stressed the need for all working groups to cooperate closely with one another to optimize spending and avoid duplication of work. Mr. Apinan added that the PR contents are to raise public concern about water resources and spark public interest in the events.

The 2nd World Irrigation Forum and the 67th International Executive Council Meeting (IEC) will take place between 6th and 12th November at the International Convention and Exhibition Centre Commemorating His Majesty’s 7th Cycle Birthday Anniversary in Chiang Mai.

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