Call for Papers EMCEI-2017: Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration
The committee of EMCEI-2017 invites research papers on all crosscutting themes of environmental sciences and engineering, principally focusing on the following major topics:
- Innovation Approaches & Methods for a Sustainable Environment
- Environmental Risk Assessment, Ecotoxicology & Bioremediation
- Water Quality (Assessment, Protection & Management)
- Water Resources Engineering & Management
- Natural Resources (Characterization, Assessment, Management & Valorisation)
- Renewable Energy (Biomass, Wind, Waste Valorisation & Management)
- Sustainable Management of Marine Environment & Coastal Areas
- Remote Sensing & GIS for Geo-Environmental Investigations
- Geo- & Natural Hazards (Earthquakes & Landslides)
- Environmental Health Sciences (Natural & Social Impacts on Human Health)
EMCEI-2017 is dedicated to the knowledge-sharing among researchers in the
Euro-Mediterranean region. It is organized by the Editorial Board of Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (EMJEI) in collaboration with Springer.
- Paper (max. 2 pages) Submission Deadline: 15 May 2017
- Notification of Paper Acceptance: 1 July 2017
- Registration Deadline: 1 October 2017
- Notification of Paper Selection (in Special Issues): 15 December 2017