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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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ICID e-Bulletin 27 September
  •   Tuesday, 2021-September-28

McGill's Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is pleased to host Mitigating Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and Increasing Carbon Sequestration in a Circular Economy- An International Symposium held under the auspices of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program II. click here

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management. Click the link for more information: click here

A New Alliance of ICID with Arab Water Council (AWB)
Arab Water Council, announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the International Committee for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), on the sidelines of the Fifth Arab Water Forum, 21 - 23 September 2021, click here

5th African Regional Conference (ARC) and 72nd International Executive Council (IEC) - Theme “SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION FOR IMPROVED RESILIENCE OF AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA” to be held from 23-30 November 2021, Marrakech, Morocco. click here

73rd IEC Meeting & 24th ICID Congress combined with the Irrigation Australia National Conference & Exhibition to be held in Adelaide, Australia from 3 October to 10 October 2022. click here

    Collaborative farmer research networks can help us fix global food systems
    24 September 2021
    This week, the United Nations will convene its first-ever Food Systems Summit, where everyone from farmers to policymakers will take action to transform the way we grow good food click here
    Rice feeds half the world. Climate change’s droughts and floods put it at risk
    24 September 2021
    The world’s top rice producer is China, at 214 million metric tons. India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Vietnam are next. click here
    Global success in plant breeding celebrated with new achievement awards
    20 September 2021
    The IAEA, in cooperation with FAO, assists experts worldwide in using nuclear techniques in agriculture, including support with irradiating seeds or other plant material in order to develop plant varieties with superior characteristics, such as drought tolerance or increased yields. click here

    Climate change is harming children’s mental health – and this is just the start
    23 September 2021
    In August, the United Nations Children’s Fund reported that half the world’s 2.2 billion children are at “extremely high risk” from the impacts of climate change. click here New WHO global air quality guidelines aim to save millions of lives from air pollution
    22 September 2021
    Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental threats to human health, alongside climate change. click here
    A low-carbon economy is cheaper than the costs of climate change, a report says
    22 September 2021
    The European Central Bank used data from 2.3 million companies and 1,600 banks in the eurozone to analyze the impact of three outcomes on the economy. click here

    Sad images show the drying of a Turkish lake and the wildlife threatened by drought
    24 September 2021
    A paper published by the UN Environment Program more than a decade ago called the loss of the Mesopotamian marshes due to dams and drainage schemes. click here La Niña is about to take the Southwest drought from bad to worse
    24 September 2021
    Global scientists reported in August that due to the climate crisis, droughts that may have occurred only once every decade or so now happen 70% more frequently. click here
    Severe Brazil drought reignites debate over daylight saving
    24 September 2021
    Reservoir levels in the southeast and center-west regions are lower than in 2001 when the country last experienced an electricity crisis; power was rationed for eight months. click here

    Research shows more people living in floodplains
    27 September 2021
    The proportion of the world’s population exposed to floods grew by 20 to 24 percent—ten times greater than what previous models had predicted. click here
    The 10 Asian cities most threatened by climate change flooding
    23 September 2021
    Cities with the worst exposure to coastal flooding in the coming decades are overwhelmingly located in Asia, according to a comprehensive analysis by leading climate scientists, with port cities in India and China particularly vulnerable. click here
    Germany’s flood disaster prompts new research on rivers
    21 September 2021
    Ahr River in Germany began to rise as the unprecedented rain continued to fall. It didn’t stop rising until nearly 200 people were dead, in flash floods that reached seven meters high and caused an estimated $10 billion in damages. click here

    Record agriculture production in India is helping the world to ensure food security: Agriculture Minister
    25 September 2021
    India is also assisting third-world countries by giving technical and scientific assistance to increase productivity in their countries to ensure global food security. click here
    Rerouting billions in agriculture subsidies could boost global food security
    23 September 2021
    Almost 90 percent of the $540 billion of annual global government support to agricultural producers includes measures that distort prices and hurt human health and the environment, the report found. click here
    11 innovations shaping global food systems from the water
    23 September 2021
    The UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) calls for global action on food system transformation and blue foods are an avenue for this transformation. click here

    A tiny piece of plastic is helping farmers use far less water
    23 September 2021
    An Israeli company’s modest innovation in drip irrigation could forever change agriculture, especially in resource-starved environments. click here Collaborative management of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam increases economic benefits and resilience
    23 September 2021
    The framework is used to demonstrate that a coordinated operating strategy could allow the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam to help meet water demands in Egypt during periods of water scarcity and increase hydropower generation. click here
    Global food security at risk from growing threats to rivers
    21 September 2021
    New analysis finds that irrigation with river water accounts for 25% of all food, while 40% of global fish consumption depends on rivers. click here

    Right to life – Right to drink clean water
    27 September 2021
    Water is an essential material for the maintenance of global ecosystems; it is required in the right quality and quantity for each purpose that it is used for. click here Why the Middle East and North Africa must switch to sustainable water management
    26 September 2021
    Low rainfall, limited freshwater from rivers and lakes, and dwindling non-renewable groundwater reserves make the Middle East the most water-stressed region on earth. click here
    This is how Saudi Arabia’s NEOM is working towards sustainable water management and treatment
    24 September 2021
    NEOM is part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan for the future of the Kingdom. It is planning to build a sustainable water ecosystem founded on the principles of the circular economy and smart connected infrastructure. click here

    26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021: The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. click here

    9th World Water Forum March 21 - 26, 2022, Diamniadio (Dakar) – Senegal with the theme "Water security for peace and development." click here

    39th IAHR World Congress, 19 - 24 June 2022 - From Snow to Sea, Granda, Spain click here

    17 IWRA World Water Congress, 29 November - 3 December 2021, Daegu, Republic of KOREA click here

    IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, September 2022 The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition is a global event for water professionals covering the full water cycle. Join over 10,000 leading water professionals and companies convened by the International Water Association. click here

    Value Engineering for Savings in Irrigation, Drainage, and Flood Management Projects Water, as the main input for food production, has played the most significant role in societal evolution over much of the recorded human history. Numerous civilizations flourished and vanished over a period of time because of the way they managed their agricultural water. click here

    World Food Safety Day 2021: Overview of festivity and creativity With a theme of ‘Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow’, World Food Safety Day (7 June 2021) focused on the immediate and long-term benefits of producing and consuming safe food. click here

    IPCC Sixth Assessment Report 2021: The Working Group I Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis is now out. click here

    FAO-UN WASAG STRATEGY for 2021-2024: The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture Turning water scarcity into opportunities for sustainable agriculture, food security & nutrition click here

    Irrigation & Drainage in Republic of Uzbekistan History & Modern State: Towards the 70th anniversary of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) click here

    Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change Part of the Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering book series (STICEE) This volume arises from the work of Roorkee Water Conclave 2020 and focuses on the hydrological aspects of climate change, hydrological extremes, and adaptation for water resources management. The research papers in this book are centered on themes such as climate change and water security, water resources management, and adaptation to climate change.

    Contemporary Environmental Problems In Nepal This book will utilize many empirical examples of environmental cases spanning the diverse landscapes of Nepal to demonstrate how useful information GIS tools can be ineffective decision making and record keeping in such a problematic South Asian ‘developing country’, ISBN 978-3-030-50168-6
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Manual on Planning of Structural Approaches to Flood Management (ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

Manual on Non-Structural Approaches to Flood Management ¦ (ไม่ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

INWEPF คณะอนุกรรมการด้านน้ำและระบบนิเวศของนาข้าว
International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields

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