Welcome to Chiang Mai Dear Friends,
On behalf of THAICID, I am very pleased
to welcome all members and distinguished
participants to the 2nd World Irrigation
Forum (WIF2) and 67th International
Executive Council (IEC67) Meeting,
organized at the International Convention
and Exhibition Center Commemorating
His Majesty’s 7th Cycle Birthday Anniversary, Chiang Mai,
Thailand from 6 to 12 November 2016.
2nd World Irrigation Forum and
67th Internatinal Executive Council
Visiters to ICID Central Office Mr. Madhav Belbase, Chairman,
NENCID President Hon. Dr. Chandra A.
Madramootoo (Canada)
Great Rivers of the World: Management for
Shared Benefits
Enhancing Resilience to
Drought Events on the
African Continent
Reforms in Water Sector: Implication for Sustained Water and Food Security
13th International Drainage Workshop:
Drainage and Environmental