::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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ICID Monthly News-Update August 2021 Friday, 2021-October-01
- From Secretary-General's Desk
- Webinar on Climate Smart Agricultural Water Management Best Practices, Policy FrameWork and Way Forward
- Webinar on Dialogue: Enhancing water security through improved agricultural water productivity: new knowledge, innovations, and applications
- President Dr. Ragab Addresses the Water Resources Forum of the Fifth China-Arab States Expo
- ICID President’s Activities (August)
- A Message from Irrigation Australia
- President of the Moroccan National ICID Committee (ANAFIDE) Writes an Open Letter about the Morroco Events
- ICID Forthcoming Events
- President Dr. Ragab Addresses “The Virtual Conference of AQUA 360: Water for All – Emerging Issues & Innovations"
- ICID Publication: Value Engineering for Savings in Irrigation, Drainage, and Flood Management Projects
- ICID National Committee Activities
- World Bank New Project in India
- Invitation to Join the Membership of ICID
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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
Bloly v1.3 by SoftCab Inc
Bloly v1.3 by SoftCab Inc