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ICID Webinar on Conservation Agriculture in the Context of Rice-Wheat Cropping System : Date: 1 November 2021, 15:00 - 16:30 Hours Indian Standard Time (IST)

IGS-ICID Webinar on Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics on the theme "Geosynthetics to Reduce Seepage Losses and Improve Structural Integrity of Canals" Scheduled from 15 - 17 November 2021 at 16:00 – 18:00 (Egypt time, UTC +2)

INVITATION TO JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP OF ICID International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management.

ICID FORTHCOMING EVENTS 5th African Regional Conference (ARC) and 72nd International Executive Council (IEC) - Theme “SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION FOR IMPROVED RESILIENCE OF AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA” to be held from 23-30 November 2021, Marrakech, Morocco.

Study pushes for climate-smart agriculture to curb deforestation
1 November 2021
Congolese farmers in Yangambi faced with the effects of climate change, not only experience reduced production capacity, but observe increased invasive pests on their crops. click here

US issues $6M funding to combat coffee leaf rust
1 November 2021
The impact of this research, however, is expected to extend beyond US farmers to help the global coffee community combat CLR. click here

Lessons from Zimbabwe’s tobacco farmers for the COP26 climate change talks
26 October 2021
Tobacco, as with much agricultural production, promotes unsustainable modes of commodification and consumption of nature. click here

Can carbon capture facilities reverse climate change?
1 November 2021
As world leaders meet in Glasgow for COP26, the United Nations’ climate summit, scientists are touting this cutting-edge yet costly technology as a key solution to the climate crisis. click here

Climate change: Extreme weather events are 'the new norm'
31 October 2021
Extreme weather events - including powerful heat waves and devastating floods - are now the new normal, says the World Meteorological Organisation. click here

How climate change may increase global conflicts
29 October 2021
In countries where climate change leads to drought or reduced harvest or destroys critical infrastructure and displaces communities, the risk of conflict is exacerbated. click here

Iraq environment crisis: drought this year has turned our life upside down
31 October 2021
Iraq is facing its worst environmental crisis, with acute water shortages and climate change affecting food security. click here

Warming Trends: The BBC introduces ‘Life at 50 Degrees' 30 October 2021 The Life at 50 Degrees series, produced by the BBC, visits 10 countries around the world where deadly heat is becoming more common and shows how people are adjusting to the new reality. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/30102021/warming-trends-the-bbc-introduces-life-at-50-degrees-helping-african-farmers-resist-drought-and-driftwood-provides-clues-to-climates-past/

One of the world's most iconic salt lakes has dried up
29 October 2021
The drought and agricultural demands are wreaking havoc on Turkey's Lake Tuz, and it's creating an ecological disaster. click here

Hong Kong’s knowledge of flood management, landslide prevention can benefit the Asia-Pacific region
31 October 2021
Its expertise in slope management and landslide warnings and prevention – using big data and modeling to understand how soil moves – was another area in which Hong Kong excelled and could contribute to the world. click here

GIS-enabled systems can help governments mitigate losses in natural disasters
28 October 2021
Geospatial data and software can be actively utilized to create climate information systems at regional, national, and global levels. click here

Data, adaptation, and finance key to managing flood risk
26 October 2021
As a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underscores, rising global temperatures are dramatically affecting the water cycle, making floods and droughts more extreme and frequent. click here

G20: Actions now to feed the world and save the planet, urges FAO
1 November 2021
Agri-food systems around the world are being threatened by a host of factors ranging from civil conflicts to biodiversity loss, and the COVID-19 pandemic. click here

Here are the top three scalable technologies to combat food insecurity
31 October 2021
One of the most impactful measures to reduce food waste is upcycling, or the act of procuring and processing ingredients that otherwise would not have been consumed. click here

Crop diversity underpins food security: Scientists flag 'enormous' diversity loss
26 October 2021
An international team of scientists has completed what they claim is the 'largest review ever conducted' looking at agricultural diversity. click here

A peek into ‘world’s longest qanat’
31 October 2021
The recently-restored Qanat of Zarch is widely known as the world’s longest subterranean aqueduct as it stretches some 80 km across the semi-arid Yazd province in central Iran. click here

Ice stupas: The artificial mini glaciers bringing water to some of the driest, coldest places on Earth
30 October 2021
Glaciers are not just spectacular indicators of climate change as they shrink and disappear due to global warming. They are also, for many communities, an irreplaceable source of freshwater. click here

Climate crisis to worsen water scarcity: Researchers develop a prototype to harvest water from the air
29 October 2021
Nearly one in three people worldwide don’t have reliable or affordable access to safe drinking water. The figures are likely to go up as climate change makes the situation difficult. click here

World leaders urged to prioritize action on water and climate
29 October 2021
Countries must step up urgent action to address the water-related consequences of climate change, the head of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). click here

Water for 1.5 — the climate benefits of good water management
29 October 2021
“In 2020, hydropower supplied one-sixth of global electricity generation, making it the single largest source of low-carbon power – and more than all other renewables combined,” according to the International Energy Agency. click here

Managing water resources in a low-to-no-snow future
26 October 2021
A new study led by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) analyzes the likely timing of a low-to-no-snow future, what it will mean for water management, and opportunities for investments now that could stave off catastrophic consequences. click here ]]>
Wed, 03 Nov 2021 15:00:50 +0700 http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index-main.php?number=480#comment