International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management. Click the link for more information:
5th African Regional Conference (ARC) and 72nd International Executive Council (IEC) - Theme “SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION FOR IMPROVED RESILIENCE OF AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA” to be held from 23-30 November 2021, Marrakech, Morocco.
73rd IEC Meeting & 24th ICID Congress combined with the Irrigation Australia National Conference & Exhibition to be held in Adelaide, Australia from 3 October to 10 October 2022.
Announcement of TeaTime Talk Presented by Irrigation Water Forum (IWF/ICID.UK) On "Introduction to Concrete Canvas and GCCMs – A New Lining Technology for Reducing Water Seepage Losses in Canal Infrastructure Around the World".

Crop residue management: Innovative solutions can douse farm fires
13 September 2021
Biofuel production: As done in countries such as China, the Philippines, Malaysia and Japan, crop stubble could be used to produce bioenergy. click here
Fundamental transformations in global economy: The case of the international agricultural sector
10 September 2021
In terms of production, China has become the world’s leading producer of agricultural goods, having 7% of the arable land, feeding at least 22% of the world’s population. click here
Avocados and vanilla among dozens of wild crop relatives facing extinction
7 September 2021
Study finds agriculture and pesticide use threaten relatives of world’s most important crops, considered crucial to food security. click here

Climate change: Fossil fuels must stay underground, scientists say.
9 September 2021
Almost 60% of oil and gas reserves and 90% of coal must remain in the ground to keep global warming below 1.5C, scientists say. click here
Time to utilise the full power of AI to accelerate our fight against climate change
9 September 2021
AI can measure and reduce emissions at scale for any given institution; enable innovative business models to help the climate; improve resilience of societies to climate hazards. click here
Saving the Ozone in the '80s slowed unchecked climate change
7 September 2021
The Montreal Protocol treaty, which phased out the production of ozone-depleting chemicals, has prevented between 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit (0.65 degrees Celsius) and 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) of global warming, according to research. click here

A world with less water: Idaho (U.S.A) farmers sound off on drought impacts
8 September 2021
Farmers are skilled at adapting to adverse conditions. But the adaptations they have to make are already costing them time and money, and those measures may need to be more drastic in the future to avoid potential food shortages. click here
Drought in Iraq and Syria could totally collapse food system for millions, aid groups warn
10 September 2021
Unprecedented drought — driven by climate change and exacerbated by upstream irrigation — is wreaking havoc on some of the world’s oldest river-fed farmlands in Iraq and Syria. click here
Climate change could DOUBLE the frequency of extreme regional summer droughts in Europe by 2099
7 September 2021
The World Health Organization (WHO) says droughts are the most serious hazard to crops and livestock in every part of the world, affecting 55 million people every year. click here

World’s most northern island and climate change’s role in floods
8 September 2021
Extraordinary downpours such as those responsible for this year’s deadly flooding in Western Europe are becoming more frequent, and more intense, as a result of climate change. click here
To avoid river flooding, go with the flow, the Dutch Say
7 September 2021
Extreme rainfall is causing deadly and destructive floods globally. The Netherlands averted disaster this summer by creating flood plains. click here
Conserving and restoring wetlands could avoid millions of dollars in storm losses
7 September 2021
Wetlands can reduce flood levels from storms by up to two meters (six feet) and avoid $38 million in flooding damages per estuary, according to a new study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters. click here

Rice crop: A vital cog in ensuring food security
8 September 2021
Rice is one of the major staples and is considered the primary nutrient source for more than 3 billion people. click here
Is food security a basic human right or something only the fortunate few can access?
8 September 2021
According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the UN, the number of food-insecure people categorised as crisis level or worse nearly doubled in 2020. click here
Global relationships between crop diversity and nutritional stability
7 September 2021
Quantifying nutritional stability—which we define as the capacity of a food system to provide nutrients despite disturbance—can aid effective coordination and implementation of resilience planning for nutrition-sensitive agriculture. click here

Towards a model for road runoff infiltration management
10 September 2021
One way to manage the collected water is infiltration, which allows groundwater recharge and reduces peak flows and volumes when the collected water is infiltrated near its collection point. click here
UNDP applying new renewable-energy solutions in water management of Turkmenistan's region
9 September 2021
UNDP is applying new renewable-energy solutions in water management of Turkmenistan's regions in order to avoid GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions and for greater water availability. click here
IFC, Ukraine sign memorandum to develop irrigation infrastructure
8 September 2021
The Memorandum defines fundamental principles of structuring the national water operator with corporate governance to the highest international standards. click here

A sinking, thirsty city: The water crisis in Mexico city
11 September 2021
Mexico continues to experience one of the most widespread droughts in decades. Unusually low rainfall has already reduced access to water in the capital. click here
New estimate makes groundwater, not ice sheets, largest water reservoir on land
9 September 2021
Around 24 million cubic kilometers of groundwater reside within the top two kilometers of Earth's crust. This shallow groundwater is what we use for drinking and irrigation, and it's mostly freshwater. click here
Google pledges stronger stewardship of water resources
9 September 2021
The company unveils plans to replenish more water than it consumes by 2030, among other goals. click here

XV World Aqua Congress - 2021, International Conference & Exhibition Schedule 14 - 17 September 2021 click here
5th Arab Water Forum - 21 - 23 September 2021 click here
IUCN World Conservation Congress Conference schedule 3 – 11 September 2021 in Marseille, France click here
9th World Water Forum March 21 - 26, 2022, Diamniadio (Dakar) click here
39th IAHR World Congress, 19 - 24 June 2022 - From Snow to Sea, Granda, Spain click here
17 IWRA World Water Congress, 29 November - 3 December 2021, Daegu, Republic of KOREA click here

World Food Safety Day 2021: Overview of festivity and creativity click here
FAO-UN WASAG STRATEGY for 2021-2024: The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture click here
Irrigation & Drainage in Republic of Uzbekistan History & Modern State click here
Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change click here
Contemporary Environmental Problems In Nepal This book will utilize many empirical examples of environmental cases spanning the diverse landscapes of Nepal to demonstrate how useful information GIS tools can be ineffective decision making and record keeping in such a problematic South Asian ‘developing country’, ISBN 978-3-030-50168-6