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http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index-main.php UTF-8 Mon, 17 Mar 2025 02:48:43 +0700 Mon, 17 Mar 2025 02:48:43 +0700 SoftCab.com <![CDATA[ICID e-Bulletin Your Weekly News Wrap 16 August 2021]]> http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index-main.php?number=465 INVITATION TO JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP OF ICID
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), established in 1950 is the leading scientific, technical and professional international organization, which focuses on irrigation, drainage, and flood management. Click the link for more information: click here


The missing piece of new biodiversity goals? Managed landscapes
14 August 2021
A Sumatran farmer spreads organic fertilizer on her agroforest farm, to increase soil matter, infiltration, and water storage. click here
Aquaponics: The future of agriculture?
13 August 2021
Monoculture food production and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides are harming our soils and biodiversity and threaten entire ecosystems.click here
We need an AgTech revolution
10 August 2021
It has shown the need for urgent action to transform our agricultural practices and invest in agricultural technology innovation if we are to prevent long-term devastation from climate change. click here

Climate change

Asia won’t solve climate change without reform of financial markets
15 August 2021
The ability to collect high-quality data on things like land management and the environmental impact of firms has never been easier given the availability of digital and remote sensing technologies. click here
A world burning up and underwater must finally act on climate change
14 August 2021
Recent extreme weather disasters underscore that we are running out of time to address climate change. click here
IPCC climate report: Earth is warmer than it’s been in 125,000 years
9 August 2021
Landmark assessment says that greenhouse gases are unequivocally driving extreme weather — but that nation can still prevent the worst impacts. click here


Heatwaves, wildfires & drought: How this summer is a ‘preview’ of Earth’s coming climate crisis
15 August 2021
Extreme weather and oppressive heat have hit everywhere from the Pacific Northwest to parts of Europe and North Africa. Climate scientists expect more of it. click here
Droughts shrink hydropower, pose risk to the global push to clean energy
14 August 2021
Hydropower is the world's top source of clean energy and makes up close to 16% of world electricity generation, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). click here
Drought threatens Hungarian lake with the environmental crisis
14 August 2021
Environmental experts in Hungary say the effects of climate change and insufficient infrastructure are colliding to threaten the country’s third-largest natural lake with an economic and ecological crisis. click here


Turkey floods: Death toll near the Black Sea rises to at least 40
14 August 2021
A huge search-and-rescue operation is underway in northern Turkey after flash floods along the Black Sea coast killed at least 40 people. click here
People are moving into risky flood zones—but they may not have a choice
12 August 2021
Flooding affects more people than any other environmental hazard and hinders sustainable development. Investing in flood adaptation strategies may reduce the loss of life and livelihood caused by floods. click here
Climate emergency: It is time to prepare for severe floods that will hit South Asia
12 August 2021
Models show that for a 3°C rise in mean temperature, the number of people annually affected in South Asia can more than triple, disrupting the lives of more than 100 million people. click here

Food security

COVID-19: Protecting the invisible enablers of food security
13 August 2021
National governments must introduce legislation to regulate exploitative industries and trades which harm animal health and welfare, risking the food security of their owner. click here
Hunger is the story of our time
12 August 2021
Numerous international agencies have released reports with similar findings, showing that the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic solidified the already downward trend towards growing hunger and food insecurity. click here
The pandemic has been devastating for food insecurity in India, especially for the youth
11 August 2021
The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of health systems and other national and global health mechanisms to respond effectively to crises. click here


Western water projects in infrastructure deal
14 August 2021
The plan would provide $1.15 billion for improving water storage and transport infrastructures such as dams and canals. click here
The multi-billion-dollar giants that are melting away
11 August 2021
Billions of people around the world depend on the waters locked away in glaciers for their livelihoods, power, and food. click here
Gravity watering system saves resources and raises yields
10 August 2021
N-Drip’s precise agriculture system drip-irrigated fields that were formerly flooded, addressing the world water shortage while improving outcomes. click here

Water resources management

Still, sparkling or sewage? Singapore eyes turning waste into clean drinking water
13 August 2021
The Southeast Asian island nation has very limited resources and has long had to rely principally on water supplies from neighbouring Malaysia. click here
Pakistan’s real challenge: Water crisis
13 August 2021
Despite the mighty K2 and ferocious Indus river water resources in Pakistan are depleting fast. IMF has ranked Pakistan third among the countries facing severe water shortages in the world. click here
Canada gets serious about water woes. Will indigenous voices be heard?
12 August 2021
Canada holds 20% of the world’s freshwater supply. It has more lakes than any country in the world. click here
    Upcoming EVENTS

    FAO World Water Week! Online! 23 - 27 August 2021.
    Click the link for more informationhttps://www.worldwaterweek.org/event/9880-water-for-food-nutrition-and-health-global-direction-for-no-one

    XV World Aqua Congress - 2021,International Conference & Exhibition Schedule 14 - 17 September 2021

    5th Arab Water Forum - 21 - 23 September 2021 in Grand Hyatt, Dubai under the patronage of the United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure and supported by the League of Arab States (LAS) and the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of Egypt (MWRI), in collaboration with national, regional and international partners. click here

    IUCN World Conservation Congress Conference
    IUCN World Conservation Congress Conference schedule 3 – 11 September 2021 in Marseille, France click here

    9th World Water ForumMarch 21 - 26, 2022, Diamniadio (Dakar) – Senegal with the theme "Water security for peace and development."click here

    Granda, Spain 39th IAHR World Congress, 19 - 24 June 2022 - From Snow to Sea click here

    17 IWRA World Water Congress,29 November - 3 December 2021, Daegu, Republic of KOREAclick here


    FAO-UN WASAG STRATEGY for 2021-2024: The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture
    Turning water scarcity into opportunities for sustainable agriculture, food security & nutrition click here

    Irrigation & Drainage in Republic of Uzbekistan History & Modern State:Towards the 70th anniversary of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID)click here

    Hydrological Aspects of Climate Change
    Part of the Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering book series (STICEE)
    This volume arises from the work of Roorkee Water Conclave 2020 and focuses on the hydrological aspects of climate change, hydrological extremes, and adaptation for water resources management. The research papers in this book are centered on themes such as climate change and water security, water resources management, and adaptation to climate change.

    Contemporary Environmental Problems In Nepal
    This book will utilize many empirical examples of environmental cases spanning the diverse landscapes of Nepal to demonstrate how useful information GIS tools can be ineffective decision making and record keeping in such a problematic South Asian ‘developing country’, ISBN 978-3-030-50168-6

    Linking food, nutrition and the environment in Indonesia: A perspective on sustainable food systems
    This brief reviews the interlinkages between food, nutrition, and the environment in Indonesia, and the role of national food policies in addressing the challenges in these sectors. While Indonesia is a mega-biodiverse country, nationally supported agricultural production programs tend to focus on a few high-value commodities, contributing to low dietary diversity.

    Guidance – Water Resources Planning Guideline (24 February 2021)
    This guideline is relevant to water companies in England and Wales. It is also relevant to those producing regional plans. click here
Mon, 16 Aug 2021 18:06:33 +0700 http://rid.go.th/Thaicid/index-main.php?number=465#comment