“Water management in a changing World: Role of Irrigation in Sustainable Food Production”
- 2nd World Irrigation and Drainage Prize
- The 2nd World Irrigation Forum (WIF2), together with 67th International Executive Council (IEC) Meeting will be hosted by Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (THAICID) during 6-12 November 2016 at the beautiful city of Chiang Mai in Thailand in partnership with ADB, AIT, AARDO, DWFI, FAO, GWP, ICRISAT, IFAD, IFPRI, IWMI, UNU-FLORES, UNESCO-IHE, World Bank, WWC and 2iE.
- Call for Nominations Farmers to participate in 2nd World Irrigation Forum
- Collaborative Program on Safe Use of Wastewater Presidents of ICID and IWA sign MoU
- Opening Plenary of 67th IEC Meeting
- 13th International Drainage Workshop on Drainage and Environmental Sustainability
- Iran IRPID Centre: Sustainable Agricultural Water Management
- Call for Nominations of World Water System Heritage Program
- Proceedings of the First Irrigation Forum
- ICID Annual Report 2015-2016
- International Technical Advisory Committee for 23rd ICID Congress
- Sustainable Paddy Water Management in Water-Energy-Food-Nexus
- News from ICID National Committees
Forthcoming Events
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