- IPCC Fifth Assessment Report(AR5): A Glimpse
- 22nd ICID Congress & 65th IEC Meeting - Online Paper Submission for 22nd ICID Congress
- Beating the Odds, Building Resilience in the Sahel: Water in the 21st Century - ICID e-Publications
- News from ICID National Committees
- Information emerging from ICID Workbody meetings
- Forthcoming Events - 12th International Drainage Workshop (IDW), 23-26 June 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=icid2014
- 22nd ICID Congress and 65th IEC, 14-20 September, 2014, at Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea.
- 66th IEC and 26th European Regional Conference, 11-16 October 2015, Montpellier, France.