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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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5th International Climate Change Conference
  •   Tuesday, 2013-February-12
London 26-30 April 2013.

Conference Focus

The Climate Change Conference is for any one with an interest in, and concern for, scientific, policy and strategic perspectives in climate change. It will address a range of critically important themes relating to the vexing question of climate change. Plenary speakers will include some of the world’s leading thinkers in the fields of climatology and environmental science, as well as numerous paper, workshop and colloquium presentations by researchers and practitioners.

We are inviting proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquia. Virtual participation is available for those who are unable to attend the conference in person. Proposal ideas that extend beyond these thematic areas below will also be considered:

  • Theme 1: Scientific Evidence
  • Theme 2: Assessing Impacts in Divergent Ecosystems
  • Theme 3: Human Impacts and Impacts on Humans
  • Theme 4: Technical, Political and Social Responses

  • Submissions are welcomed that cross more than one thematic area. Please suggest additions and changes and email: dr.alexcross@aol.co.uk

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      ::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID



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      ::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID

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