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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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ICID e-Bulletin 15 November 2021
  •   Wednesday, 2021-November-17

    State of organic agriculture: a global perspective
    14 November 2021
    organic farms generally have more plant diversity, greater faunal diversity (insects, soil fauna and microbes, birds), and often more habitat and landscape diversity. click here

    The future of agriculture
    14 November 2021
    Automation has been a key factor for progress since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and it can make farming easier and more efficient. click here

    Vietnam reconsiders methane-emitting rice amid the climate crisis
    13 November 2021
    Country says it can no longer be ‘rice first’ as it urges farmers in Mekong Delta to change planting techniques or consider alternatives. click here

    Climate change is transforming the bodies of Amazonian birds
    12 November 2021
    A 40-year study found 77 species of rainforest birds weigh less on average, and many have longer wings than they used to. click here

    8 Wonders of the world that climate change could destroy
    9 November 2021
    In 2020, the IUCN World Heritage Outlook warned that 7 percent of all-natural wonders faced ‘critical’ threats due to the climate crisis and that 30 percent were of ‘significant concern’. click here

    COP26: Sweden steps up to help at-risk small-scale farmers adapt to climate change
    8 November 2021
    Recent research supported by IFAD shows that the yields of staple crops such as maize could decrease by as much as 80 percent by 2050 in parts of Angola, Lesotho, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe due to climate change. click here

    "ASEAN Regional Plan" of action for adaptation to drought 2021-2025
    12 November 2021
    The impact of drought is not limited to water consumption for agricultural purposes but also affects domestic and industrial water consumption, with critical long-term implications. click here

    The climate crisis is about the Global South’s present
    12 November 2021
    Droughts, coupled with increasing demand and terrible groundwater management, make access to this water even harder. click here

    World’s ‘calamitous’ water crisis being ignored in climate talks – WaterAid
    10 November 2021
    Cop26 summit focusing on slowing down global heating at expense of current impact on water-stressed regions, says head of WaterAid. click here

    COP26: Flooding lessons from Hull, a city below sea level
    13 November 2021
    Hull is the second biggest flood risk area in the UK outside of London and experienced major flooding in 2007 and 2013. click here

    Torrential rains put swaths of southeast Australia at flood risk
    13 November 2021
    Large swaths of Australia’s southeast were on high alert for major flooding today after torrential rains caused rivers to break their banks, with meteorologists warning of more severe weather ahead. click here

    Satellite monitoring of Greenland ice melting highlights increasing global flood risk
    12 November 2021
    Global warming has caused extreme ice melting events in Greenland to become more frequent and intense over the past 40 years, rising sea levels and flood risk worldwide. click here

    UN warns food insecurity to worsen in Somalia by May 2022
    14 November 2021
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) said an estimated 3.5 million people will face acute food security. click here

    Food security policy must consider the local context: “Climate change and poverty are inherently sexist”
    13 November 2021
    During the UN-COP26 on November 9, an international panel of experts gathered at the WHO Pavilion in Glasgow to discuss the nexus between climate change and health, particularly in relation to food security. click here

    Averting a food crisis without foreign aid
    12 November 2021
    According to the FAO and WFP, 23 million Afghans including 3.2 million children under the age of 5 — are currently suffering from hunger. click here

    Vietnam's mega irrigation system to be ready in two weeks
    15 November 2021
    The delta has for decades functioned as the nation's agriculture and aquaculture hub. The system also includes bridges and embankments that connect with national highways. click here

    Half of the world’s coastal sewage pollution flows from a few dozen places
    12 November 2021
    An analysis of roughly 135,000 watersheds reveals that large amounts of key pollutants come from human wastewater, not just agricultural runoff. click here

    Irrigation, water management play key roles in smoothing drought impacts
    8 November 2021
    The study showed that farmers who have access to groundwater and surface water tend to bring more land into cultivation. click here

    Why wastewater holds the key to building climate-resilient cities
    13 November 2021
    Water management in cities will be even harder under climate change, with the increasing frequency of extreme events. click here

    Pakistan looming water crisis
    13 November 2021
    Pakistan can only store 10 percent of the average annual flow of its rivers, which is far below the world average storage capacity of 40 percent. click here

    COP26: In a warming world how do nuclear sciences help protect water resources
    9 November 2021
    As freshwater around the world is decreasing in quality and quantity, many countries are turning to groundwater as a source of drinking water. click here
    ::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID



    Manual on Planning of Structural Approaches to Flood Management (ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

    Manual on Non-Structural Approaches to Flood Management ¦ (ไม่ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

    INWEPF คณะอนุกรรมการด้านน้ำและระบบนิเวศของนาข้าว
    International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields

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