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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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ICID News 2019 - Second Quarter
  •   Wednesday, 2019-August-07

  1. Message from Engr. Felix Britz Reinders, President, ICID

  2. Brief Articles on Sub-themes of the 3rd World Irrigation Forum (WIF3) on the theme: Development for water, food and nutrition security in a competitive environment

    • Sub-theme 1 - Enabling Policy Environment for Water, Food and Energy Security: This article analyzes and discusses interrelations among water, food and energy (WFE), also termed as WEF Nexus. The complexity of WEF Nexus is analyzed through modelling mainly from the perspective of (i) water and food and (ii) water and energy and their interconnectivity.

    • Sub-theme 2 - Role of Civil Society and non-state actors with Focus on farmers and Extension Facilities: This article outlines the changing nature of farmer support services, particularly the increasing importance of agricultural water management and irrigation as water becomes the limiting resource for food production, how food markets are growing and can incentivise smallholders to produce more, and critically, how farmers are finding new ways of acquiring the knowledge and expertise they need to do this.

    • Sub-theme 3 - Improving Agricultural Water Productivity with Focus on Rural Transformation: This article reviews the technologies, institutions, policies and incentives to improve agricultural water productivity. The paper argues that increasing water productivity requires no less than a rural transformation and “Business as usual” is no longer a viable response.

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