Bloly v1.3 by SoftCab Inc Tuesday, 2017-April-18 Nominations invited for the new mandate of the Working Group on Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas (WG-SDTA) ![]() It is customary for ICID work bodies to complete their mandates and propose a new mandate with a scoping document for extension of the tenure or establish a new work body. As per the procedure approved by IEC for setting up of the new WGs, the Core Group within the WG prepares the Scoping Document (SD) and circulate to its members for comments and submit the updated SD incorporating comments of the members to the ICID Central Office for circulation to all NCs to ascertain their interest in the activities of the WG and providing their suggestions/comments as well as for nominating new members for the WG. The SD will be further discussed and finalised during the next meeting at Mexico City in 2017 for its approval by PCTA/IEC. Accordingly, the Chair of the Working Group on Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas (WG-SDTA) presented the ‘Scoping Document’ with a new mandate for the period 2016-2022 in their 6th meeting of the WG held on 10 November 2016 at Chiang Mai, Thailand. We are pleased to attach the ‘Scoping Document’ of the WG with a new mandate for your perusal. National Committees are invited to nominate experts/professionals from their countries, with a brief C.V., who would be interested in and are able to contribute to the activities of the Working Group on a regular basis. The proposed nominees are welcome to attend the next meeting of the WG in October 2017 at Mexico City, Mexico. SCOPING PLAN AND MANDATE (DRAFT) |
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Bloly v1.3 by SoftCab Inc