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::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID
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ICID News 2016 - Fourth Quarter
  •   Tuesday, 2017-January-17

The water–food–energy nexus offers an unprecedented opportunity for change in agricultural water management. Mr. Jeremy Bird delivered a keynote address on this topic at the 2nd World Irrigation Forum, held at Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2016. This is an extract of the keynote presentation.
    1. President's Message
    2. Five years after the Bonn Nexus Conference – Implications for irrigation and drainage by Mr. Jeremy Bird, Director General, IWMI
    3. Role of Women in Irrigation and Drainage Sector by Ms. Kathleen Heuvel (Australia)
    4. Declaration of Ministers’ Meeting organized during 2nd World Irrigation Forum, Chiang Mai, Nov. 2016

    5. 2nd World Irrigation Forum Statement, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2016
    6. Increasing Crop Productivity Ecofriendly by Improving Sprinkler and Micro Irrigation Design and Management by Prof. Li Jiusheng (China) - Winner of WatSave Technology Award 2016

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    Manual on Planning of Structural Approaches to Flood Management (ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

    Manual on Non-Structural Approaches to Flood Management ¦ (ไม่ใช้สิ่งก่อสร้าง) ¦ e-Book

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    International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields

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