From Secretary General's Desk ... “Water secure world free
of poverty and hunger through sustainable
rural development“ ...
Opening Ceremony
The Second World Water Forum (WIF2)
was held at Chiang Mai International
Convention and Exhibition Center, Chiang
Mai, Thailand from 6-8 November 2016
on the theme “Water management in
a changing World: Role of Irrigation
for Sustainable Food Production”.
Highlights of 67th IEC Meeting, Chaing Mai, 2016
Newly Elected Vice Presidents (2016-2019) Dr. (Mrs.) Irena G. Bondarik (Russia) Mr. Waseem Nazir (Pakistan) Er. Madhav Belbase (Nepal)
High Level Advisory Group on Partnership for Agriculture Water Management
Hearty welcome to Somalia
13th International Drainage Workshop:
Drainage and Environmental
World Irrigation and Drainage Prize, 2016
WatSave Awards
ICID Young Professions’ e-Forum
International Research Program for Irrigation and Drainage (IRPID) Scheme
Africa Food Prize
World Sustainable Development Summit 2016
5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum
Rural Development Report 2016 Released
::Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:: THAICID