ICID e-Bulletin 23 September 2013 • Friday, 2013-September-27 Managing water for sustainable agriculture
- How to boost agriculture in Africa
- Saudi agriculture show features 300 exhibitors
- Latvian farmers may face EU sanctions for fertilization in agriculture
- Ten-year FAO programme bridges information gap in agriculture
- Haiti - Agriculture: Ambitious project to strengthen rural entrepreneurship
- Belize�s Minister of agriculture expands Network in Guatemala
- Climate change threatens crop yields in Brazil
- Climate change threatens Southern Africa�s vital crops
- USA: Retention of nitrogen fertilizer key element for drainage
- Mozambican institute develops number of drought-resistant sweet potato varieties
- Climate linked to El Nino floods, droughts
- USA: Colorado floods could ease drought
- PERRIS: Meeting set on flood channel project
- Food security raises the obvious: Can we feed 9.6 billion by 2050?
- Pakistan: Technologies developed by PARC must reach farmers: Boson
- Pacific could face food shortage by 2030
- South Africa: Failing to feed our people - South Africa's lackluster food security policy
- Australia: Irrigation projects approved
- USA: Study - Recycled wastewater safe for crop irrigation
- Marianela Arguello L., Proceedings Central American and Dominican Republic Forum on Water
and Food Security: The Water - Food Production Nexus, 9 August 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica,
GWP Central America, July 2013
- Four African nations agree to improve use of key water resource under UN-backed plan
- Nepal, India discuss water resources, electricity, flood control
- Cuba, China review cooperation in water resources
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