ICID News Update (December 2015) Tuesday, 2015-December-22
- Agricultural Land and Water Management for Sustainability under Climate Variability
- Secretary General of THAICID on WIF2
Dr. Somkiat Prajamwong, Secretary
General of Thai National Committee
on Irrigation and Drainage (THAICID)
interviewed on Thailand Today TV
network on Second World Irrigation
Forum (WIF2) provided on THAICID
website (http://www.rid.go.th/thaicid/).
- 2nd World Irrigation and
Drainage Prize 2016
- The Paris Agreement
"We have entered a new era of global cooperation
on one of the most complex issues ever to confront
humanity. For the first time, every country in the world
has pledged to curb emissions, strengthen resilience
and join in common cause to take common climate
action. This is a resounding success for multilateralism.
- INWEPF Symposium 2015
Mediterranean Forum on Water Resources
- Virtual Workbody Meetings (WebEx)
- Agenda 2030: SDG Targets and Indicators
- Minutes of the 66th IEC
and Workbody Meetings at
Montpellier, France - Online
- Universal Access Wherever
You Are
- Sustainable Clean Ganga Mission: The Way Ahead
- CNCID Delegation visits Indonesia
- New GWP Executive Secretary
Mr. Rudolph Cleveringa, Executive Secretary, GWPO
- Exploring Cooperation between ICID and Netherlands
click here
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