ICID e-Bulletin, 23 November 2015 Saturday, 2015-November-21
- WaterNSW River Operations Workshop presented at 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Tasmania, Australia, 7 December 2015. click here
- International Convention on Agricultural Engineering, Las Dunas Hotel, Santa Maria Key, Villa Clara Province, Cuba, 22-25 March 2016.
Contact: Dr. C. Aymara Garcia Lópaz. E-mail: directorainvest@iagric.cu
- 4th African Regional Conference on Irrigation and Drainage (ARCID) on 'Agricultural Land and Water Management for Sustainability under Climate Variability', Cairo, Egypt, 26-28 April 2016. click here
- 2nd World Irrigation Forum and 67th IEC, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 6-12 November 2016.
- 68th IEC and 23rd ICID Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, 8-14 October 2017 on the theme: Modernizing Irrigation and Drainage for a new Green Revolution, Mexico City, Mexico, 8-14 October 2017.
E-mail: cnm@mxcid.org, brobles@tlaloc.imta.mx, luis.rendon@cna.gob.mx, luis.rendon@conagua.gob.mx
- 2016 Irrigation Australia International Conference and Exhibition gains support from Lord Mayor of Melbourne click here
- IAL Courses & Workshops click here
- Zimbabweans align with climate-smart agriculture amid food deficits click here
- Viet Nam: Agriculture growth drops to five year low click here
- Global agriculture industry faces first shake-up in a decade click here
- Impact of climate change on global food supply chains starting to be visible WWF report click here
- Climate change: States must focus on risk management in agriculture (India) click here
- World Bank: Climate change could result in 100 million poor click here
- For the study, researchers examined 421 drainage basins in the Northern Hemisphere click here
- Study: California drought management lacking (USA)
click here
- El Nino sending droughts and floods to Africa
click here
- New Drought Atlas Maps 2,000 years of climate in Europe
click here
- Climate change may have caused severe drought in East Africa in 2014
click here
- Climate change and La Niña may bring severe floods to Australia
click here
- Somalia hit by floods, 90,000 affected - UN
click here
- Latin America to push for food security laws as a bloc
click here
- Guinea-Bissau government grants microcredit to farmers to ensure food security
click here
- Food security: US, EU rule out permanent solution for public stock holding programmes
click here
- Can small communities tackle global food security?
click here
- India: Lift Irrigation projects to be completed soon
click here
- SA faces future of water scarcity
click here
- Global energy demand has adverse effects on freshwater resources of less developed nations
click here
- India, China ink pacts on water resources, culture
click here
- Kalra, Nidhi Rajiv, et al., 2015. Robust decision-making in the water sector: A strategy for implementing Limas long-term water resources master plan. Policy Research Working Paper No. WPS 7439. World Bank Group, Washington, D.C. click here
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