ICID e-Bulletin 17 April 2023 Thursday, 2023-April-20 ICID FORTHCOMING EVENTS
- 25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage & 74th IEC Meeting with Theme:- Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture, will be held during 1 - 8 November 2023, Visakhapatnam (Vizag), Andhra Pradesh, India.
- 14th International Drainage Workshop, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 23-25 May 2024. Contact:
- 1st Middle East Regional Conference, 26-28 February 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Contact: Saudi Arabian National Committee of ICID, Email: a.almajed@sio.gov.sa, ma.alomair@sio.gov.sa
- 75th International Executive Council Meeting and 9th Asian Regional Conference, 1 - 7, September 2024, Sydney, Australia
- 76th International Executive Council Meeting and 4th World Irrigation Forum (WIF4), 7-13, September 2025, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Contact: mancidmalaysia@gmail.com
- 26th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage and 77th International Executive Council Meeting, 12 - 18 October 2026 - Marseille, France. Contact: sami.bouarfa@inrae.fr
- Gender inequalities in food and agriculture are costing world $1 trillion: FAO
13 April 2023
The report shows that women’s access to land, services, credit and digital technology lags behind men’s, while a higher burden of unpaid care limits their opportunities for education, training and employment. click here
- AI is not only for generative text: See how it can transform agriculture
11 April 2023
Technologies for the early detection of pests and diseases, such as satellites or drones and software for field assessment monitoring, are essential in assisting farmers in their immediate responses to pests and diseases that can seriously compromise the yield of their crops.
click here
- Climate change: Chinese scientists say 'flash droughts' are becoming the new normal
16 April 2023
Scientists say "flash droughts" - marked by rapid onset and quick loss of moisture from plants and soil - are increasing globally as climate change leads to higher temperatures and shifting precipitation. click here
Rise in ocean surface temperature have led to marine heatwaves globally: Report
15 April 2023
The world’s ocean surface temperature hit an all-time high since satellite records began, which has led to marine heatwaves around the globe, The Guardian quoted a US government data. click here
- Climate change makes Europe ripe for dengue outbreaks
14 April 2023
Cases of the mosquito-borne illness dengue are typically seen in the tropics, but with the changing climate that may be changing.
- What a new study says on the link between ‘flash droughts’ and climate change
16 April 2023
The study found that flash droughts occurred more often than slower ones in tropical places like India, Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and the Amazon basin. click here
- Intense heatwaves singe Asia as summer keeps eating into spring
16 April 2023
India could soon become one of the first places in the world to experience heatwaves so severe that they breach the human survivability limit, a World Bank report had warned in December last year. click here
- Drought will cause crop failures in Spain, farmers warn
13 April 2023
Spain's long-term drought is causing "irreversible losses" to more than 3.5 million hectares of crops. click here
- Tropical cyclone Ilsa prompts flood warning for Australian outback
15 April 2023
Despite the significant downgrading in its severity, the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) said Ilsa would still bring strong weather and over 100 mm of rain to the Nt’s southwest, prompting a flood watch warning. click here
- Fertiliser security for food security in southeast Asia: Going local and circular
14 April 2023
Southeast Asian nations are highly dependent on external sources of fertiliser. While Indonesia is the largest importer in tonnage, Philippines, Myanmar, and Thailand imported more than 80 per cent of their fertiliser in 2020. click here
- Making China’s water data accessible, usable and shareable
6 April 2023
Water has been central to the development of China’s ancient civilization and to its contemporary development and industrialization, and will shape its path to an ecological civilization—an aspirational, more sustainable mode of human interaction with the environment. click here
- AFN regional chief calls for safe drinking water at UN Water Conference
14 April 2023
Some 10,000 participants gathered at UN Headquarters and online from March 22-24 to address the water crisis and “ensure equitable access to water for all. click here
- Massive ocean discovered beneath the Earth's crust containing more water than on the surface
14 April 2023
Scientists made the findings at the time after studying earthquakes and discovering that seismometers were picking up shockwaves under the surface of the Earth. click here
- South African cities show commitment to accelerate water resilience at 2023 UN Water Conference
12 April 2023
South Africa’s cities are economic engines, drawing workers across the country and the continent. Of the country’s 58.8 million population, 68% live in urban areas. click here
- 3rd International Baghdad Water Conference on Theme - Water Scarcity, the Marshes of Mesopotamia, and the Shatt Al-Arab Environment is Everyone's Responsibility; Royal Tulip Al-Rasheed Hotel, Iraq; 6 - 7, May 2023. https://icid-ciid.org/event/detail/17
- Gerald Lacey Lecture 2023 - Theme: Using the SDGs to Improve the Design Performance of Water Projects Contact : Mr. Ian Tod, Chair IWF, The Irrigation and Water Forum; British National Committee of the, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage ( IWF/ICID .UK ) C/o The Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA. Email:iantod@icloud.com; https://www.ice.org.uk/events/latest-events/gerald-lacey-lecture-2023
- International Agriculture Innovation Conference (IAIC) is an annual conference that has been running since 2016 organized by International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS). The IAIC conferences are devoted to presenting and examining various issues that are related to current problems seen in agriculture. The 8th IAIC 2023 will take place on 1-2 August, 2023. The conference will be held under the theme of “Agro-industrialization and Sustainability” and specially address the key themes on “Vertical Farming”, “Forest-Industrialization” and “Regenerative Agriculture”. https://iaic.iaas.org.sg/
- 40th IAHR World Congress on Theme Rivers - Connecting Mountains and Coasts; Vienna, Austria; 21st - 25th August, 2023. https://icid-ciid.org/event/detail/17
- XVIII World Water Congress on Theme "Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature", hosted by International Water Resources Associations (IWRA) and Ministry of the Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, at Beijing, China, 11 - 15 September, 2023.
- Climate and Energy Summit: Building a Grand Coalition to Keep 1.5 ºC Within Reach - Organiser - International Energy Agency (IEA); 02 Oct 2023; Madrid, Spain https://www.iea.org/events/climate-and-energy-summit-building-a-grand-coalition-to-keep-1-5-c-within-reach
- Cairo Water Week 2023 - The sixth edition of the Cairo Water Week 2023, will take place from 29th October to 2nd November 2023 in Cairo Egypt. This year the theme of the conference is "Action on Water Adaptation for Sustainability". https://www.cairowaterweek.eg/cww2023/
- Preparatory meeting for the United Nations Conference
Preparatory meeting for the United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action "Water for Sustainable Development", 2018–2028." https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1z/k1zx4ipa4x
- 40th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), Vienna-Austria, 21 - 25th August 2023, Theme - Rivers Connecting Mountains & Coasts https://worldcongress2023.iahr.org/
- State of the world's drinking water: This report, presents the data on the links between water, health and development and the status of drinking water, with actionable recommendations to accelerate access to safe drinking water. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240060807
- The United Nations World Water Development Report 2022: Groundwater Making the invisible visible
- Europe’s groundwater — a key resource under pressure
‘Groundwater: making the invisible visible is the World Water Day theme for 22 March 2022. In recognition of this, this briefing provides an overview of the state of groundwater in the EU. https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/europes-groundwater/europes-groundwater
- FAO Publication: Sustainable management of freshwater resources for food security and nutrition in Small Island the Developing States https://www.fao.org/3/cb7200en/cb7200en.pdf
FAO-UN WASAG STRATEGY for 2021-2024: The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture Turning water scarcity into opportunities for sustainable agriculture, food security & nutrition
- Irrigation & Drainage in Republic of Uzbekistan History & Modern State: Towards the 70th anniversary of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) https://icid-ciid.org/icid_data_web/UzNCID_book_web_en.pdf
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